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One Mining Company, a 965 day blockade, over 300 voluntary arrests a, a State Forest home to 396 Species of native fauna and flora, 34 of which are endangered. What is this all about?
Told in a collective narrative of first person accounts with characters
that thread throughout the film. Black Hole is told over the period from 2013 to the present moment.
The stakes are high; water security, agricultural land, endangered flora, fauna and significant indigenous cultural sites. We meet key figures in the establishment of the campaign against the mine and their overview sets the tone.
After 560 days embedded in the forest, the now growing number of campaigners are given a move on order by local council. Local farmer Cliff Wallace invites the blockade onto his farm called 'Wando'. Cliff knows what ’s at risk and the impact of how a coal mine can change the fabric of a once quiet community.
The intensity of FLAC ’s ongoing civil disobedience is in contrast with the ways of the Gomeroi Indigenous Community. The Gomeroi battle Whitehaven Coal through ongoing court actions and political lobbying. Their plight of being denied access to country has fractured the Gomeroi nation.
The grief and loss that we see of the Gomeroi, farmers, locals and campaigners does not diminish an ultimately successful campaign. It becomes greater than saving the Leard State Forest. The birth of a divestment campaign has created a movement that questions our addiction to coal and continual approval by State and Federal Governments in allowing the construction of greenfield coal mines in Australia.
Black Hole examines the future of coal, corporate responsibility and the rights governments afford to people vs polluters.
Maules Creek

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